Friday, September 13, 2013

30 day Ab and Squat challenge.. 7 days in hell

Well.. we are seven days into the 30 day ab and squat challenge. Or, as I have dubbed it, the "I'm fat and ok with it so fuck you exercise" challenge. I seriously hate this, with every atom of my being, HATE this. I am still doing it. I think maybe I need the help of a mental health professional.

Made some questionable food choices this week, pizza (chicken and thin crust) and tacos (fat free black beans and more chicken) but overall did ok.. except for the sour cream and cheese and such.. but we did add the Dr. Oz fat water to our routine. The fat water seems to only make me gassy, but whatever.

Fat Flush Water
Ingredients, per 1 pitcher
1 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves
Combine ingredients in a large pitcher. 

You are supposed to drink at least 3 8 oz glasses of this every day, 1 before each meal.

Ok, fat water added, and the ab/squat reps are steadily climbing to numbers that I never wanted to contemplate, unless we are talking cupcakes or pints of ice cream, and the one week results are in:

Em: weight 197 (WHAT THE FUCK??) *Gain of 2 lbs.*  waist 37 1/4 *loss of 1 1/4 inch*   hip 41 1/4 *loss of 1 3/4 inch*   left arm 13 1/2 *loss of 1 inch*  right arm 13 3/4 *loss of 1 1/4 inch*   left thigh 25 1/2 *loss of 1 inch*   right thigh 25 1/2 *loss of 1 inch*
I gained 2 lbs, but overall lost at least an inch everywhere, so its evening out.

Kate: weight 160  *no change* waist 32 1/2 *loss of 1 inch*  hip 40 *no change*  left arm 14 1/4 *loss of 1/4 inch*  right arm 13 1/2 *loss of 1/2 inch*  left leg 24 1/2 *loss of 1 1/2 inch*  right leg 24 1/2 *loss of 1 1/2 inch*
Kate is losing inches, but not weight loss (or gain) and the inches are not uniform yet. Maybe more fat water and less carbs?

Finally getting internet installed, so I can stop using my phone to get online and start adding more updates, menus, etc.

One week in, and there are results, but the amount of work being done the inches should be melting off like fucking butter! Here's to the end of this sadistic challenge and a firmer ass.

Friday, September 6, 2013

30 days to svelte..

Well.. Lots has happened since my last posting, I have lost some weight (40 lbs in fact) and for the first time in too many years to count I am below 200 lbs! However, it isn't enough to lose weight, when the fat I do have looks like a sack of mashed potatoes flopping about my frame, so Kate and I decided to do the "30 day ab and squat challenge" ugh.

Day 1: Sept 6, 2013

Weigh in and measurement taking (this part was both good and bad, I cried happy tears when I saw my weight, but was appalled at the inches I have to lose)

Weight 195 waist 38 1/2 hip 43 left arm 14 1/2 right arm 14 left thigh 26 1/2 right thigh 26 1/2
AHHH! My thighs are the size of skinny girls' waists! Onward to firmness!

There ya go.. my fat girl body for the world to see!

weight 160 waist 33 1/2 hip 40 left arm 14 1/2 right arm 14 left thigh 26 right thigh 26

Kate is allowing me to post this under protest, but she DID say I could!

Today I realized how much my body HAS improved, and I don't want to be thin, just firm, so I am actually only 30 lbs from my lifetime weight goal. (Side not: I am only 10 lbs from the weight the DMV thinks I am)

I will post pics and update measurements every Friday, I will also post activities/food/ etc on a semi-daily basis throughout this challenge.

If you are interested in trying it, here is what we are doing (exercises)

I do strongly recommend youtubing how to do these moves PROPERLY.. and as always, attempt at your own risk! 

Here's to being a firm fat girl.. Let's DO THIS!!