Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My favorite things..

I am not a small girl. I don't mean just my weight, everything about me is BIG. My feet are big (size 9/10), my hands are big (ring size 9/10), my shoulders are big (No shoulder pads needed in the 80s), my boobs and ass are big (48 DD and size 9 panties) and I am tallish (5'8 in flats).

I don't mind.. I joke that I am a drag queen trapped in a real girls body! Wow.. did I really just admit to sizes? Huh.. guess I did.. but I will never admit my age! (that's kinda big too)

I am a bit of a magpie.. I love love love things that sparkle and shine.. and the very best part about being an oversized girl is that I can wear huge tacky super-sparkly ginormous gaudy accessories and not look like I'm gonna fall over! Those great big cocktail rings that are all the rage? I own 14, and rock them daily!

Yea, rings like this!

My favorite necklace right now, is a humongous Barbie necklace.. it is so obnoxious..

I love it!

I also have a Hello Kitty one.. so many sparkles it hurts my eyes..

Sparkles and pink.. wow!

 I can't wear them to go dancing though, I'm afraid I am gonna knock out some teeth! 

My point.. I could not pull this look off if I were a tiny fat girl, or just a dainty little thing fat or not. I have seen little women wear this stuff.. I wonder how heavy their underwear is? 

I love being able to stack on the big ole bling.. I feel like a fucking princess! I am always drawn to the tacky and tasteless, it's fun.. and it reminds me that I am already larger than life so I had better act like it. I have a big canvas, so why would I ever drape it in demure and tiny decorations?

 Prints are another favorite of mine, specifically zebra print but any print will do.. as long as it's big and loud! 

Mix 'em up!

Stripes on a fat girl.. you bet your ass!

Even my hair is big and loud!

Fat girls can rock sequins and print!

I don't hide, not ever. I don't own anything beige or tame.. I had a sweater that was brown, I wore it now belongs to someone else!When you are a fat girl, you are gonna get noticed. A lot of the time that attention is negative.. we all know this.. so fucking own it! Put on a pair of silver leggings and a leopard print top (an outfit I REALLY want to wear by the way), add 6 inches to your already tall self with a pair of bright red heels.. don't let some stupid person with a bad attitude (and a closet full of khaki pants) make you hide your big fat body! 

Maybe all that loud can be viewed as attention seeking, and in some ways it is, but it makes me happy.. I never look like I'm sad or hurt or boring.. and when my clothes and accessories are big and bold, I feel big and bold! 

I just want to say.. there is no shame in being a beige kind of girl, the world needs them.. but I will never be one of those girls. 

Oops.. guess I jumped up on my soapbox there for a minute!

Anyway, obnoxious sparkly and bright.. these are my favorite things.. big, loud and PROUD!

Yes.. she's the villian.. but this is my theme song damn it!

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