Sunday, March 10, 2013

The trolls are coming..

The following was an actual poll on fb this morning: (this also went out on the air)

In The Online Dating World... Men Are Afraid Of Meeting Someone Who Is This... What Is It? #D-Rock
Like ·  ·  · 2 hours ago · 

(the original screenshot was acidentally deleted during formatting the blog.. so this one contains some great responses that were not there before!)

Really? The worst thing a guy can think to be afraid of is a fat chick? Because that makes so much sense! They aren't afraid of meeting a child molester, or a man pretending to be a woman, or even a republican.. they are afraid of their hottie turning out to be fat. Fuck me!

I realize that way too many guys are hung up on that supermodel/Betty Crocker fantasy, because we all know that those women not only exist, but they are just waiting for Johnny Minium-Wage to find them and whisk the darling girl off to his mom's basement where she can spend her life happily heating up his spaghetti-os and trimming his mullet. It doesn't matter what the guy looks like or has to offer.. he damn well DESERVES a super hot girl.

The premise was touched on in "Shallow Hal".. but only as a whisper in the wailing gale of fat jokes and guy humor.. so I'm not sure it counts. Besides, his friends were so freaked out because Hal was dating a fat girl that they did everything possible to end the relationship.. because no self respecting guy should EVER date a fat girl!

Guess what sexy, important, successful, buff, well adjusted internet dating site guy (I could not even type that with a straight face)? We fat girls don't want you either! Having such a childish and narrow view of beauty doesn't give you the right to dictate how we must look in order to please you. We are not here to please you! I prefer dark haired guys with light eyes, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go off because not every man out there fits MY personal definition of hot.

I think I'm worth more than being told by the internet that I'm useless. I think I'm worth more than being shamed by a faceless stranger. I think I'm worth more than to be measured by another's view of worth.

In the online dating world.. I am afraid of meeting someone who is this.. Not worthy of my time.

1 comment:

  1. So true, dear! It amazes me how much attention is given to appearance when looking for someone to date. If these guys would just take the time to get to know someone for who they are, instead of who the appear to be, we would all have a much better chance! And to think of all the wonderful women these guys have missed out on because they are too proud to be seen with a gorgeous fat girl! With that same token, though, these women are much better off without those guys! I never realized how many guys truly do love a big woman until more recently. There are those Mr. Wonderfuls out there, we just have to weed out all the idiots along the way!
